Work History
Committee Participation
Professional Association

June Kippeny RN



Committed and purposeful Registered Nurse with 33 years of experience and expertise in multiple clinical and administrative roles within a progressive corporate health care environment. Proven leadership ability with a primary focus being on a multidisciplinary team approach to optimize patient outcomes. Excellent critical thinking skills and adept at conflict resolution. Dedicated to the belief that Nursing is the heart of healthcare, and that the entirety of the team determines our patient's perception of their healthcare experience.


years of professional experience

Work History

Registered Nurse Supervisor

UM Baltimore Washington Medical Center
Glen Burnie
11.2016 - Current

Responsible for maintaining standards established at the unit and divisional level by the nurse manager and director of Nursing, modifying those standards if it's in the best interest of the hospital's customers. I provide nursing administrative coverage in the absence of the directors of Nursing and hospital administrative coverage in the absence of administration at a higher level.

  • Monitor unit censuses and make adjustments to staffing according to need and resources available
  • Function in the role of Patient Flow Coordinator to assure the appropriate placement of patients from various departments in-house and those admitted or transferred from other institutions
  • Function as a Patient Advocate when needed and assist with conflict resolution on all levels

Registered Nurse Clinical Education Support and Training

UM Baltimore Washington Medical Center
Glen Burnie
11.2016 - Current

Under the direction of our Clinical Education staff:

  • Provide educational assistance with our Companion and Patient Care Assistant programs
  • Develop and maintain appropriate Competency Assessment Tools for the Companion role
  • Assist with bedside training specific to the requirements of the job description and the needs of our patient population

Registered Nurse

University of Maryland Baltimore Washington Medical Center
301 Hospital Drive, Glen Burnie
05.1987 - Current

Over 33 years of my practice, I've fulfilled various roles within UM BWMC's Department of Nursing; listed in descending order from my currently held position detailed above:

Charge Nurse - Critical Care West/SICU

University of Maryland Baltimore Washington Medical Center
Critical Care West/Surgical Intensive Care Unit
.1 -1 - .1 -1

As a CN, manage patient flow for admissions, transfers and discharges from our Critical Care/Surgical Intensive Care Unit throughout various levels of care within UM BWMC.

  • Appropriately assign critically ill patients to caregivers based upon the skill level of the team member and the acuity of the patient
  • Act as an expert resource and support for staff as deemed necessary by the needs of the patients and the unit

Rapid Response Nurse - Critical Care West

University of Maryland Baltimore Washington Medical Center
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As a Rapid Response Nurse, provide critical care expertise, assessment and intervention for patients in non-critical care areas to optimize patient outcomes.

Preceptor - Critical Care West

University of Maryland Baltimore Washington Medical Center
.1 -1 - .1 -1

As a Preceptor, orient new and/or newly hired RNs to their role in the Critical Care Department.

  • Teach the skills required to succeed in their critical care practice, including but not limited to, assessment skills, diagnostic equipment, medications and interventions that are specific to the needs of patients in a critical care setting

Staff and Charge Registered Nurse - PACU

University of Maryland Baltimore Washington Medical Center
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For eighteen months, in the role of RN in our Post-Anesthesia Care Unit, I managed the care and recovery of patients in the acute post-operative phase.

Nursing Supervisor

University of Maryland Baltimore Washington Medical Center
.1 -1 - .1 -1

Acted as the on-site Nursing Administration representative during the evening and night hours.

  • Managed patient flow from the Emergency Department throughout various units within the hospital
  • Assigned RNs as needed based upon unit acuity and patient need
  • Assisted with house-wide management across all departments to ensure optimal function within the hospital
  • Expert conflict resolution as needed across all departments among staff, patients and visitors

Staff Registered Nurse - Critical Care West

University of Maryland Baltimore Washington Medical Center
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As a Staff RN, I manage the assessment and care of critically ill patients on multiple levels and support their families and loved ones.

  • Skilled in critical care assessment and the use of diagnostic and interventional tools including CRRT, IABP, Swan-ganz, Flo trac and arterial monitoring tools
  • Expertly familiar with the management and coordination of multiple medical therapies in emergency situations
  • Maintain BLS and ACLS and serve on the code team

Staff and Charge Registered Nurse - Telemetry (Phase II)

University of Maryland Baltimore Washington Medical Center
.1 -1 - .1 -1

Entry position at BWMC: Served as staff and Charge RN for a busy 26+ bed telemetry unit.

  • Management of all levels of care for patients in a telemetry setting
  • Management of staff as Charge Nurse to appropriately care for peers and patients on a demanding, high turn-over telemetry unit

Staff and Charge Registered Nurse

Good Samaritan Hospital
05.1986 - 04.1987

As a staff RN, I managed all aspects of care, in a primary care model, for 6-8 oncology and orthopedic patients on a busy medical/surgical unit.


Pursuing BSN - Nursing

Notre Dame of Maryland University
Baltimore, MD

Associate of Arts - Nursing

Anne Arundel Community College
Arnold, MD


  • Strong clinical judgment
  • High level of autonomy
  • Patient/family focused
  • Expert peer support both at and away from the bedside
  • Patient and family advocacy
  • Critical thinking
  • Team building
  • Composed and professional demeanor
  • Expert multidisciplinary approach to problem resolution
  • Strong collaborator
  • Extremely organized
  • Team leadership


  • Held CCRN accreditation before taking supervisory position
  • Facilitator for UM BWMC's Re-Igniting the Spirit of Caring program2014-2017
  • Nurse of the Year for Critical Care West and UM BWMC - 2014

Committee Participation

  • Professional Practice Council: member - 3 years
  • Professional Advancement Model Committee: Chairperson - 5 months; member - 5 years

Professional Association

American Nurses Association: member

Maryland Nurses Association: member


Maryland Board of Nursing: Registered Nurse

License #: R093849


-on request


Registered Nurse Supervisor

UM Baltimore Washington Medical Center
11.2016 - Current

Registered Nurse Clinical Education Support and Training

UM Baltimore Washington Medical Center
11.2016 - Current

Registered Nurse

University of Maryland Baltimore Washington Medical Center
05.1987 - Current

Staff and Charge Registered Nurse

Good Samaritan Hospital
05.1986 - 04.1987

Charge Nurse - Critical Care West/SICU

University of Maryland Baltimore Washington Medical Center
.1 -1 - .1 -1

Rapid Response Nurse - Critical Care West

University of Maryland Baltimore Washington Medical Center
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Preceptor - Critical Care West

University of Maryland Baltimore Washington Medical Center
.1 -1 - .1 -1

Staff and Charge Registered Nurse - PACU

University of Maryland Baltimore Washington Medical Center
.1 -1 - .1 -1

Nursing Supervisor

University of Maryland Baltimore Washington Medical Center
.1 -1 - .1 -1

Staff Registered Nurse - Critical Care West

University of Maryland Baltimore Washington Medical Center
.1 -1 - .1 -1

Staff and Charge Registered Nurse - Telemetry (Phase II)

University of Maryland Baltimore Washington Medical Center
.1 -1 - .1 -1

Pursuing BSN - Nursing

Notre Dame of Maryland University

Associate of Arts - Nursing

Anne Arundel Community College
June Kippeny RN