Work History
Additional Information
Stoica Mariana

Stoica Mariana

Ialoveni, Brasov 29/1 Street


Innovative Assistant Professor bringing proven success in implementing technology-based curriculum delivery and assessment tools. Passionate about fostering academic development and success for every student.


years of professional experience

Work History

Assistant Professor

State University Of Moldova
2018.09 - Current
  • Evaluated and supervised student activities and performance levels to provide reports on academic progress.
  • Helped struggling students by providing support outside of classrooms and consistently checking in on progress.
  • Applied innovative teaching methods to encourage student learning objectives.
  • Built strong rapport with students through class discussions and academic advisement.
  • Collaborated with faculty members on [Type] projects.
  • Performed research to serve as basis for academic writing for publication.
  • Researched and selected course texts and supplemental learning materials.
  • Used different learning modes and types of technology to engage students in achieving learning outcomes.
  • Created dynamic learning environment that valued instructor and student interaction.
  • Provided students with constructive, encouraging and corrective feedback.
  • Graded tests and assignments and uploaded to school database.
  • Established and maintained inclusive, collegial and collaborative culture within classroom.
  • Assessed students' progress and provided feedback to enhance learning.

Scientific Researcher

National Institute Of Economic Researches
2016.08 - 2018.08
  • Performed complex statistical operations on collected data.
  • Worked with large datasets and visualized trends with software and programming resources.
  • Conducted project focused on demographic area.
  • Compiled, organized and analyzed data.

Associate Professor

Academy Of Economic Studies Of Moldova
1999.09 - 2016.05
  • Made contributions in curricular development and innovation in teaching strategies.
  • Advised student groups, assisting learners in educational programs both on and off campus.
  • Encouraged class discussions by building discussions into lessons, actively soliciting input, asking open-ended questions and using techniques to track student participation.
  • Graded assignments and examinations, recording grades in grade book and reporting to primary course instructor on average performance and students requiring special attention.


Ph.D. - Economic Theory

Academy of Economic Studies
Chisinau, Republic Of Moldova

Master of Science - Tourism

Academy of Economic Studies
Chisinau, Republic Of Moldova

Master of Science - Economic Theory

Academy of Economic Studies of Moldova
Chisinau, Republic Of Moldova

Bachelor of Science - International Economic Relations

Academy of Economic Studies of Moldova
Chisinau, Republic Of Moldova


  • Class Engagement
  • Progress Recording
  • Student Needs Assessments
  • Distance Learning Tools
  • Continuing Education
  • Evaluations and Assessments
  • Academic Publications
  • Curriculum Development
  • Public Speaking
  • Social Skills
  • Student Counseling
  • Faculty Collaboration
  • University Standards


Native language

Additional Information

Recent publications:

1. Stoica Mariana, ”Gender in tourism: a different approach of the transformations in the travel industry” , in paper works of "Modern Paradigms in the Development of National and World Economy" , October 06-08, 2023, in course of publication

2. Stoica Mariana, Cryptocurrency – definition, functions, advantages and risks. În ,,Підприємництво і торгівля”, Bыпycк 30/2020, Львівський торговельно-економічний університет, Львів, Україна, кateгopия «Б», c. 5-11

3. Stoica Mariana, Verstiuc Romina, Current trends in price policy and methods of payment in the hospitality industry, În ,,Eкономіка та суспільство”. Bыпycк 32/2020, Одеса, Україна, кateгopия «Б»,

4. Savelieva G., Prodan Mariana., The situation of vulnerable groups on the labour market in the Republic of Moldova, În revista Economie și Sociologie, nr. 1/2018, Categoria B, Chișinău, 2018, p.113-127

5. Prodan Mariana, Analiza eficienţei unor politici publice în educaţia timpurie şi educaţia şcolară. În revista de Filozofie, Sociologie și Științe Politice, al Institutului de Cercetări politice, nr.1 (186), 2018, Chișinău 2018, p. 121-132,

6. Stoica Mariana, Mereacre Vasile, Aspects of using green marketing in the hotel industry. În culegerea Economics, Management and Administration in the coordonates of sustainable development, Riga, Latvia, Baltija Publishing, 2021, p.110-120

7. Stoica Mariana, Salagub Aliona, Particularitățile capitalului uman din industria ospitalității a Republicii Moldova. In The Scientific collection Interconf, Proceedings of the 4-th International Scientific and Practical Conference ,,Recent scientific investigations”, nr. 91, 11-12.12.2021, Oslo, Norway 1-12.12.2021. p.8-14,

8. Prodan Mariana, Analysis of the strategic management process of small and medium sized enterprises. In The Scientific Collection Interconf, Proceedings of the 8-th International Scientific and Practical conference ,,Challenges of science of nowadays”, nr. 48, April, 2021, Washington, USA, 4-5.04.2021. p. 118-127

9. Prodan Mariana, The main determinants of competitiveness and their evolution over the time. In The Scientific collection Interconf, Proceedings of the 8-th International Scientific and Practical conference ,,Scientific research in XXI century”, nr. 44, March, 2021, Ottawa, Canada 6-8.03.2021. p. 12-16,

10.Prodan Mariana, Provocările din industria organizării de evenimente, În Міжнародної науково-практичної інтернет-конференції «Tенденції та перспективи розвитку науки і освіти в умовах глобалізації» 29 січня, 2021 року вип. 67, Yниверситет Григория Сковороды в Переяславе, Переяслав, 2021 p.41-44,

11. Stoica Mariana, Tendințe inovative ale industriei ospitalității în contextul globalizării. In lucrările Conferinței Științifice Internaționale ”Paradigme moderne în dezvoltarea economiei naționale și mondiale”, 29-30 octombrie, 2021, USM. p. 306-309.

12. Prodan Mariana, Analiza Indicatorilor Internaționali Agregați de Dezvoltare Calitativă a Resurselor Umane, În lucrările conferinței Fostering knowledge triangle in Moldova, 26-27 aprilie, 2018, p.135-147

13. Prodan Mariana, Compatibilitatea învățământului superior din Republica Moldova cu spațiul educațional terțiar european, În lucrările Conferinţei Internaţionale Ştiinţifico-Practice "Creşterea economică în condiţiile globalizării: competitivitate, inovativitate, sustenabilitate" sesiunea ştiinţifică "Transformări demografice şi priorităţi de politici", Ediţia a 13- a, 11-12 octombrie, 2018, Chiținău 2018, p. 162-171

14. Prodan Mariana, Învățământul superior și dezvoltarea capitalului uman, În lucrările Conferinței Internaționale Ştiinţifico-Practice ”Creșterea economică în condițiile globalizării”, Ediția a XII-a, sesiunea științifică „Dinamica populației și calitatea potențialului uman” 12-13 octombrie 2017,Chișinău, 2017, INCE, p.165-174

15. Prodan Mariana, Tendințele și problemele angajării tinerilor pe piața muncii, În Culegerea de articole selective ale Conferinţei ştiinţifice internaţionale „Competitivitatea şi inovarea în economia cunoașterii” , 22 – 23 septembrie, 2017, volumul IV, ASEM, Chișinău 2018, p. 87-92


Assistant Professor

State University Of Moldova
2018.09 - Current

Scientific Researcher

National Institute Of Economic Researches
2016.08 - 2018.08

Associate Professor

Academy Of Economic Studies Of Moldova
1999.09 - 2016.05

Ph.D. - Economic Theory

Academy of Economic Studies

Master of Science - Tourism

Academy of Economic Studies

Master of Science - Economic Theory

Academy of Economic Studies of Moldova

Bachelor of Science - International Economic Relations

Academy of Economic Studies of Moldova
Stoica Mariana